In my modern life, I usually buy an outfit first, then I match my accessories to it. But in my 1940’s reenacting life things are a little different. In most cases, I purchase a vintage hat first, then I design and sew a dress to match it.
This fabulous late 30’s, early 40’s hat is made from purple wool crepe and is accented with black netting.
I decided to make a (mostly) black dress, using light wool suiting with pinstripe design. In my stash of fabric, I found a length of light purple wool, which amazingly is in the same color family as the hat, just a bit lighter. There was just enough to use for the collar, cuffs, belt and buckle of my dress.
Detail of skirt pleats….and poultry 🙂
Close-up of my hat
I used vintage Simplicity 3612 sewing pattern
I machine-embroidered the collar, cuffs and belt with a purple thread which matches my hat exactly.